My Journey

My innate curiosity about childhood and brain development led me into the field of Education as a classroom teacher, administrator, and educational consultant. I have worked with students, parents, and teachers for over two decades; driven to understand how to support the needs of all children. My training includes a Master’s in Education and my current work pursuing a Master’s in professional counseling. I have published and presented research on neurodiversity-affirming practices, and I have certifications as a trainer for Circle of Security, the Nurtured Heart Approach, and Brain Story.

My greatest asset is my ability to use my knowledge and experience to offer a safe place to learn and grow. My three beautifully wired children, whose diagnoses have spanned the spectrum (ADHD, Sensory Processing, Autism, Anxiety, Giftedness, and so much more), have made meeting kids' needs become both my passion and a necessity. As a lifelong educator, I am on a mission to support and advocate for all children and their caregivers, so they can use the beautiful way their brains are wired to thrive.

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