Strengths-Based Approach to Neurodiversity

Neurodivergent children often have a body bombarded with higher levels of sensory input, have differently developing executive functioning skills, or feel overwhelmed by a neurotypical world that doesn’t match the way their brains and bodies work. These challenges can manifest themselves through tantrums, meltdowns, impulsivity, disrespect, and misbehavior. 

Consciously Connected Coaching can be a valuable tool for supporting neurodivergent learners in developing emotional intelligence, social skills, and self-regulation. By learning strategies to meet your child's unique needs, you can create a safe and connected environment that supports your child in achieving their full potential.

How does it work?

  • Provide structure and routine: Many neurodivergent learners thrive in a structured environment with clear expectations and routines. Let’s work together to create a consistent structure for the child that promotes a sense of safety and security.

  • Focus on sensory needs: Some neurodivergent learners may have sensory processing challenges that affect their behavior and emotional regulation. Together we will identify and address these needs by creating a sensory-friendly environment and offering sensory tools to help the child self-regulate.

  • Practice empathy: Understanding the way a child’s neurodiversity impacts their behavior can help you to approach them with empathy.

  • Teach self-regulation skills: Neurodivergent learners may need additional support with executive functioning and emotional regulation. We will work together to understand the specific strengths, struggles, and supports to help your child thrive.

Wrap-Around Support Services

  • Support with neurodiversity-affirming testing and diagnosis

  • Guidance with IEPs, 504s, and classroom behavior support

  • School-based advocacy to improve social, emotional, and academic success

Find Support

Navigating Neurodiversity can be overwhelming. Contact me to find tools and strategies that build long-term success while honoring your child’s beautifully wired brain.